Monday, January 18, 2021

Lessons From My First Crowdfunding Campaign


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Throughout this entire process I learned some valuable lessons that have changed my path and provided a great foundation to develop my business into the million dollar enterprise that it is today. But you need to take note that each of our lessons was different because it was designed to focus on what I needed to aid with the particular marketing since an engineer. In this article, I'm going to share some of the key lessons that I had taken note of that proved to be very helpful.

The first lesson that I had learned was that I needed a lot of research and planning before I proceed with the actual launch of any of my products. For example, I launched a few short movies with a friend and we had planned out the campaign and were running all over the place on social media and using all the social sites. However, as we neared the end of the campaign, we had realized that the movie wasn't getting the kind of responses we wanted and also the number of people that were buying the product was decreasing every day. The problem was that we hadn't planned for this and didn't really think about what to do as we neared the end. I think this is one of the biggest lessons that I had learned through my entire campaign.

The second lesson that had been crucial had been that I had researched and planned very well I still had some major hurdles to cross with the campaign. For example, we had already set up our website and had done all the content and I thought that was all we needed. The truth is that it's actually extremely difficult to change your website or content once you've got it set up. We had been doing everything the hard way but there are tons of web designers and people who know exactly what they're doing who are not charging a lot for their services. I believe that this cost us quite a bit more than we would have spent if we would have simply hired someone else to do it for us.

The third and final lesson that had been crucial to my being able to successfully launch Acim Audio was that I needed a support system to help me with the promotion of my new business. I was actually pretty lucky because I was able to find a really great website that offered some really fantastic services for just a small fee. It allowed me to not only build my list of subscribers, but also helped me to sell affiliate products through it. The support that I got really turned out to be incredibly helpful. The most important thing though was that I was able to see my business grow at such a rapid pace.


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